We're back!

- Alex

See Also:
Gambit Archives

We're back, and don't even try to deny it, because I know you've missed us! Well... ok, probably not, but I know I've missed us, so at least that makes one excited person. And one more excited person in the world means one less person likely to crank call Eva Gabor - and I know she appreciates that.

There've been a few summer changes here in Sprop-Land, so we haven't been entirely resting on our collective arses. wadE put up a few new articles, most notably the re-cap of the 3rd Annual Austin Bar Crawl, so be sure to check that out. We also updated the site graphics - Krissy thinks they're too cheesy, but I think she's just had one too many Boca Burgers, and that she's overly gassy. And finally, we started the SP.Com Forum (click here, or on the nice shiny forum sign graphic up above) - it's a great way to waste some time! (Which, after all, is the whole damn purpose of this site.)

I don't know about those other Jackos who write here, but I didn't do much on hiatus. Just change jobs, apartments, moved in with the girlfriend, ya know, total life upheaval. Nothing much, really. Heh. It's actually all for the better, though, so not at all a complaint.

In any event, we're back! Have I mentioned that yet?

And for those of you who want some actual interesting content - here, have this link, courtesy of Wade: it's a gripping story of two teenage idiots trying to buy a dime bag. Ahh, Austin...

I'm out. Peace.

What do you think? Drop us a line at webmaster@simpleprop.com and give us some feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.


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