The Taxman... yeah, The Taxman
- Alex
Six dollars. Three cents. That's the monetary increase applied to my latest check from work.
President Bush's latest tax relief plan was supposed to be this sweeping, nationwide reform that would help everyone. But hey, don't take my word
for it, check out this webpage, from which I will quote:
"The President has proposed a bold and fair tax relief plan that will reduce the inequities of the current tax code and help ensure that America remains prosperous. This tax relief plan promotes the values that make the American economy second to none -- access to the middle class, family, equal opportunity, and the entrepreneurial spirit. This plan will reduce taxes for everyone who pays income taxes, and it will encourage enterprise by lowering marginal tax rates.
Under the PresidentŪs tax relief plan, the typical American family of four will be able to keep at least $1,600 more of their own money."
So... how about single men who are working a legitimate 40-hour week in this economy and paying still-inflated rates for everything? I guess
we're all just dicks, huh? But hey that's ok, we didn't want access to the middle class anyway.
If nothing else, I can take comfort in the fact that we live in a well-balanced society where we lure our best and brightest people into teaching,
to ensure that we will produce future generations held to a high cultural standard. Oh... wait, nevermind.
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