Twins Suck
- wadE
The Brewers...
Friday night...
Yes, I know it's late Friday, but here is only like 5 of you who ever check for gambits.
So you will have to deal.
If it's any consolation, all of us here at SP are together, and d-runk.
The Twins still suck.
Ok, if you are bored by this, go read
Enjoy your weekend.
Oh, I'm on vacation next week, so if I miss my next gambit, go back to The Onion.
Hmmm... Alex just told Wade to rub himself with a hat rolled in kool-aid. I'm confused and scared.
Oh, the 3rd Annual Austin Bar Crawl is on its way, so read the 2nd Annual Bar Crawl in the meantime. So stay tuned.
I'm out.
Have a great weekend!
What do you think? Drop us a line at and give us some feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.