Vocab Lesson
- Alex
I got an email from wadE last week - it contained this link.
Now that's all fine and dandy, I appreciate the effort by those fine folks at MSN. I think Defenestrate and Embrangle are particularly interesting
words, while Garbology and Digerati sound a bit too made up. And let's face it, Borborygmus is quite onomatopoetic.
But really, all it made me do was recall the episode of the Simpsons where Homer gets the subliminal vocabulary builder tapes, and starts throwing
around phrases like "gastronomic rapacity", "triumverate of twinkies", and "sextet of ale". Then when he goes off the tapes he struggles to ask
Marge where that metal dealy you use to dig food (a spoon) is.
That's pretty much how I feel every day. Sometimes the big words get thrown around, other times you can't remember what a pen is called. It's
usually pretty interesting, though...
So here's the Homer version of his large vocabulary words, courtesy of the good folks at SNPP:
Homer Sez:
Increase Your Wordiness
Satiety: Belt-popping fullness
Triumverate: Three guys giving orders
Gourmand: Like a gourmet, only fatter
Machiavellian: I don't know
Boudoir: Where a french guy does it
What do you think? Drop us a line at webmaster@simpleprop.com and give us some
feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.