Helluva Run
- wadE
Due to vacation, this gambit is being written Thursday morning...before Game 6 in the Lakers v. T-wovles series.
Far be it from me to be negative... but helluva a run by the T-wolves this year. Pretty shitty luck to come up
against Shaq and Kobe in the first round. Even w/ home court advantage there weren't many who even expected the
T-wolves to put up much of a fight.
With that being said, it's time to start the finger pointing...and there is only one place to point. Wally.
Wally was a huuuuge disappointment this year. After being hurt for the first half of the season, he came back
and had some flashes of the point scoring fiend he's supposed to be (and gets paid millions to be). However, in
the playoffs his defense has been sub-par and his shooting...well, if you watched at all you know how bad that's been,
and I won't even address his ballhandling skills... I kept waiting him to pull a Chris Weber and call timeout in
the 4th quarter w/ the Wolves out of timeouts.
The worst part, is that with the big contract and terrible performance, we can't even trade Wally. Bah!
So the question is... with another first round exit on the immediate horizon, who gets the axe? Flip? McHale?
Maybe since we ran into the Lakers there is some mercy extended...but I doubt it... something's got to change.
On the off chance we've actually pulled it off on Thursday night, all I can say is wow...this is one guy who
expects the T-wolves to get beat by 15...but stranger things have happened.
Go Wild!
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