Junk Drawer Gambit

- Alex
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Gambit Archives

Just a few odds and ends from my brain for today, with some help from the Sister Sibling.

First off, as promised, I turned what would have been Monday's Gambit into yesterday's feature, and that drew this response from the sib over my remarks on Pictionary:

you-go saliva! I still remember that one.

You see, after drawing the card that said "Yugoslavia", I managed to get her and my cousin to yell "You-Go-Saliva!", and then failed to make them transition that to Yugoslavia before the timer expired. Excruciating game...

And then, of course, we had our standard Tuesday night TV recap. I posited that new uber-baddie on 24 might well have been Hector Elizando, who we remember best as Coach Gennero from that masterful Scott Bakula vehicle, Necessary Roughness. If you doubt my use of the word "masterful", just think of the number of times you've heard wadE say while watching a football game: "I thought you were gonna do one of these..." while making the route gesture. It's permeated our culture. Well ok, my culture. In any case, the sister was doubtful:

hector elizando? Are you nuts? No way.

Of course, she's right, it's actually actor Tobin Bell, who you might remember from approximately nothing, unless you happen to be a huge fan of The Quick and the Dead. Are there any of you? In any case, I don't think I'm too far off base here. Let's look at the pictures. Bell on the left, Elizando on the right.


And bear in mind that Bell had a goatee for the episode Tuesday night... maybe that's what threw me off. Agh...

Finally... we both wouldn't mind a Kirk-shirt. Faux Poes Foes, please.

Or maybe I should add one more thing... remember how long and loud I complained about being single? Well, forget about it... I'm off the market. Life is good. See y'all next week!

What do you think? Drop us a line at webmaster@simpleprop.com and give us some feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.


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