
- Alex
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The other day I came across this article. I thought it was really well-written and interesting, and it made me realize that I'm a part-time introvert. Either that or I'm just occasionally surly. I can't decide...

I certainly don't have problems making small talk at parties... well, except for those times when I do... which leads to me just sort of suddenly disappearing. I've done it for years.

That said, I certainly don't have problems with small talk at home. Well, except for those times when all I really wanna do is lie on the couch and watch TV and one of my housemates comes in and makes small talk. I do my best not to be rude.

One thing that the author hit on that I think is very true is this statement: "The only thing a true introvert dislikes more than talking about himself is repeating himself." Amen, brother. There have been times when someone has asked me a perfectly valid question... but because I've given the answer so many times so recently, I get a bit gruff about the response. It's not my fault, I swear.

Here's my personal take on my variant of introversion (I have my own variant of everything). The big question not to ask is in restaurants: "What are you gonna order?". For some reason, that one drives me up the wall. You'll hear it when I order. I guess it's the really mundane small talk that gets me. "What are you eating?" Well, what does it look like I'm eating. Most of the food I eat is a pretty readily identifiable shape. Maybe it's just a question of semantics... "What kind of soup is that?" would be an ok question...

Maybe I am just occasionally surly. But a large part of it is a bit of introversion. I can handle idle chatter... dumb idle chatter drives me up a wall. I'll just end with another quote from the article:

"I'm an introvert. You are a wonderful person and I like you. But now please shush."

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