The Weather in Phoenix
- Alex
You'll have to excuse the short gambit today - you see, I'm right in the middle of packing to go to Arizona for the weekend, and
for some reason the thought of wearing shorts and a t-shirt tomorrow has driven any and all creative thoughts just plum out of my
brain. Here's a picture of the current radar in Phoenix:
Lookie - nice and dry, and warm. Highs in the 80s, maybe 70s for the weekend. Perfect for runnin' around.
Which is what I'll be doing. Another flatball weekend, this time with the Macalester boys.
Honestly, I'm not trying to rub anything in, I know most of you who will look at this are up here in the
cold with me. I just really don't have anything to say. So here, here's a picture of me when I was 4,
having a beer:
It's probably worth noting that I only took a swig... I'll be back on Wednesday, kids. Peace.
Quick Addendum: Ok, this in no way reduces my blame for writing such a boring column, but I do want
to share a story that #F just sent me - very cool sports and human interest story... even if it is about the
frickin' Wings. Heh. Click here.
What do you think? Drop us a line at and give us some
feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.