I am not ashamed to admit it!

- wadE

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I love Joe Millionaire on FOX...not the guy, but the show. Hell, I love the guy too (in a brotherly sort of way).

I am not a "reality" TV type person. Hell, I even stopped watching the Real World after the San Francisco group. (they were after the London group, right?) Anyway, I gave Surivior/Big Brother/The Bachelor/etc. a chance, and they all sucked. But then comes FOX with its sadistic twist on everything...and I confess, I love it!

First off, what better way to poke fun at all these shows than to set all these women up to think they are are going to win 50 million bucks (oh, and the heart of a studly guy...but that's not important here). The backstabbing and catty golddiggers make this show absolutely entertaining.

Although Even (the pseudo-millionaire in question) isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, I don't think he is an idiot either. I think he's genuinely interested in meeting something special, and doesn't really relish having to lie to them. The other thing I like about this guy is that he's a guy's guy. He freely admits to keeping some of the women around because they "have a rocket body"! I appreciate the honesty.

I've done such a good job avoiding this whole genre since it hit network TV, but this one has got me hooked. I can only imagine the ratings bonanza that'll happen in a few more weeks when he picks his lovely lady and tells her that he isn't the prince...he's the pauper.

It is gonna be great!

What do you think? Drop us a line at webmaster@simpleprop.com and give us some feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.


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